Bridging The Gap Part 3
Video Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Rickey Austin
Good day and welcome to part three of Bridging the Gap. Hello. My name is Ricky Austin and we’re going through a series that’s discussing the general relativity effects that can produce quantum effects. And we started off in video one and two with a scalar field. And we’ve did several things over this scalar field that we derived, including the orbital advance and calculated even Mercury’s orbital advance to high precision. So now we want to take that particular previous field and to understand all the nomenclature that we’re using here. It’s best if you haven’t seen part one and two to see those. But we’re going to take the previous field and we’re going to apply a classical model of the hydrogen atom in previous space. So let’s get started. I have interrupted the original video series that we had to insert just a quick explanation of what is meant by classical when we say classical physics. I had several people that looked at the presentation and from a standpoint, outside of those that are familiar with physics or familiar with the sciences, they had had the question, explain what classical is. And so I thought it’d be good to add this a little bit of a slide in here and it won’t take long, but I think it might help clear things up. We think of classical. We start with Newtonian mechanics. Newton is sort of by almost everyone considered the father of physics, and he created or discovered laws of nature that he implemented in so many ways, from tidal waves to gravitational pull to the way cooling takes place or the heating of a surface. So many things come from his Laws of Motion, and there were just basically three simple laws, and it happened roughly around 1700 that these laws came into being. And for, you know, many, many years, nearly 300 years, his laws ruled ruled completely. But then Einstein came along and he had a special a special and a general theory of relativity. His special theory didn’t include things that are acceleration forces or so forth. It really just talked about the dilation of time and a little bit of contraction of space whenever two observers may view the same event. But one is in motion and one is not in motion. Then, with his general relativity, he brought about a grand theory that is still the theory today that space itself is. Warped and curved. And we cannot talk about space by itself or time by itself, but it must be talked about space time, because if one changes, the other changes. And he showed that in general relativity and a lot of people say that what Einstein did was showed us that gravity is about geometry and it’s not so much about forces, but it’s about geometry. But nonetheless, there was an event, an epoch that took place when general relativity came through. And then right around the same time, amazingly, Planck’s constant was brought in. To be unknown and it caused a quanta of energy. And from that derivation that he put forth, pretty much all of quantum mechanics was based on that one fact that there is this quanta of energy that is there. And so what we say when we talk about classical physics is really any physics that is pre general relativity or an pre quantum, and they’re right around the same time. So most people just think of it as almost the same period or same time. But basically, if it’s if it has Newtonian Newtonian laws of motion applied to it, most physicists will look at that and think, Oh, we’ve calculated under classical physics. So we haven’t incorporated what we call a lot of places modern physics, which has special relativity, general relativity and quantum mechanics involved into it. So hopefully that helps as we continue through with this series. In order to look at the hydrogen atom through the scalar field, through primo field, we’re going to do it with a classical approach. And what I mean by that is we’re not going to use current quantum theory. We’re going to back up to a time before there was quantum theory, and we’re going to consider the electron and proton as if the proton was the sun and the electron was a planet and the same classical orbit that we would see in our solar system. We’re going to examine what if we had the same type of orbit inside of a hydrogen atom, and a hydrogen atom is made up of one proton and one electron, which is a great physical example of a very binary small system. So in order to do that, we’re going to reflect back up on the value of a remember a is the value of our scalar field at any given location and we derived a in video one. In order to get this velocity squared, we are going to use this particular equation. This is velocity squared over two C, so. We have to square this. And that’s what we have here is the square. And that also is discussed in previous videos. This e is the electric charge of the proton or the electric charge of the electron. One is positive, one is negative, but they have equal magnitude. And this equation gives us the velocity of the electron according to the radius. So the radius length, the distance from here to here decides the velocity of this electron, classically speaking, and we’ve placed that into our equation here. EMP is part of our equation is the mass of the proton and then the radius of two is still the same radius that is here. Now we’re going to simulate this as though it’s a circular orbit that the electron is placed in around the proton. And we’re going to use this equation over here in order to check and see what a is. And then we’re going to see if it predicts an advance, which it does. It predicts this particular advance right here. Remember, we studied advance in the previous videos. So for this particular orbit. We have an advance that’s predicted. Interesting. Again, like all the advances in the other orbits that we’ve calculated, this r disappears in this part of the advance and this is a constant advance. No matter how close this electron is to the proton or how far away it is, it has the same additional advance that’s been added in to this area over here. And again, this is all in previous space that we’ve. They calculated A to get this orbit in previous space and it has this particular advance. I think it’s important. Before we continue on that, I give just a brief overview for those that are brand new to this. What we are talking about when we say atomic binding energy, atomic binding energy is just literally the amount of energy. That it would take to knock this electron away is the amount of energy that’s held it in place. So this orbit is holding this electron in place and hit. It does not want to leave unless there’s an a certain amount of energy that’s been applied to it. And the way that we do that is we consider that there’s an incoming energy and this incoming energy up here can be a photon in most cases with electron, but it can be something else, another electron or something that would have interaction with this electron. It could come in, but we mostly consider photons. So photon is just a light beam that comes through. And when this beam comes through, if it hits it with enough energy, it will cause that electron to escape its orbit. Well, this energy is considered the binding energy of the electron, whatever energy it takes to just make it escape. So just go from here to out there and no longer be trapped. In this orbit. That energy is what we mean by atomic binding energy. So as we talk about binding energy, we’re talking about the energy that it takes to hold this electron in orbit around the proton. And that’s the energy that we’ll be looking at over the next couple of slides. Here again, I want to interrupt the original video and just another quick slide. We’ve had several people ask what is meant by cooling force. And I understand if you’re outside of the science world, you may not understand Coulomb, but I think this is cleared up really quick. We’ll take about 30 seconds here and just let you know. Coulomb is a force that is measuring the the force that two electric charges would put upon each other. Sometimes they may attract each other if they’re opposite and they may repel each other if they’re the same. Coulomb is the gentleman that came up with equations for this, and it describes how these forces operate between each other. So he basically gave us mathematical equations that describe how these forces operate. And therefore, with Coulomb force equations, we can pretty much derive all of the things about how two charges interact. We can derive their momentum, velocity, the energy, what’s the force, the interaction between them, etc., what those are. So hopefully any time that you hear someone say Coulomb energy, you know that they’re talking about the force of charge somewhere through there. It’s either the energy it’s caused by this force or it’s the force itself that’s there, but it’s basically dealing with electrical charge. So hopefully that helps. And then we’ll continue on now with the rest of the presentation. Now as we look at the binding injury of the high hydrogen atom, we are looking at it again from a classical standpoint of one proton with one electron circling around it like an orbit. We have quite a few equations that we have to look at. Unfortunately, I try to keep equations at a minimum and explain this from a high level, but we’ve come to the point that we have to have a few equations. The one we’re going to start with here is the classical binding energy of the electron. It’s based off of Coulomb energy or Coulomb force, and we derived energy from Coulomb force. And so we’re going to call it E c for the energy from the classical coulomb, it’s based on R, so as are changes, so does this energy, this others. Ah. The electrical charge. This is space for. Don’t worry about that. It’s just a constant. So this is a constant. This is a constant. And this is the only thing changing. As the electron moves farther away from the proton, this energy becomes smaller. As it moves closer, this energy becomes larger. And that’s Coulomb classical energy. We know from the previous slide that the advance is equal to this two pi time, this constant that’s over here. So the advance itself is a constant. And we want to figure out what does this advance add to this energy? Because this energy only does one orbit back to the same spot each time. But with the advance it goes the orbit goes around and goes a little bit further. And because it goes a little bit further, it adds a little bit of energy to the system. We need to figure out what that energy is. And the way that we’re going to do it is we’re going to take this two pi and we’re going to divide it by two pi r and I’ve just moved the two pi from here up to there so that we had all of this or we have just a pure function of R, but it’s a ratio. Think of this. If we had a dime that was added to a dollar, we could take that dime over the dollar and we come up with 10%. So we’ll know exactly how much extra we had. And that sounds very simple, but that’s basically what we’re doing here. We’re taking the extra energy that’s over here and dividing it by the total energy. So we have a ratio of the extra energy to the total energy. Then what we’re going to do is form this advanced energy, energy that’s due to the advance we’re going to call it E a is a function of R and it’s going to equal the classical energy that we had from up here. Time the ratio, and that gives us that extra amount of energy that we have. So now we have this full function, remember. Of the ratio. Multiplied by the classical energy, and it will give us the new total energy of the system. And if we put it out in all of its glory, it looks like this right here. Another way to say it is the total energy is the classical Coulomb energy time one, plus the ratio that makes it look a lot simpler. Even though it’s got all of this behind it, it’s just sort of easier to think that we’re just classical energy and moving it forward. Now we need to consider if we had photon interaction with the hydrogen atom. Now a photon energy is calculated with a constant called Planck’s constant. Our meaning may say Planck’s, but Planck’s constant times C divided by the wavelength of that particular photon that’s coming in. So we have this area over here represents an energy from a photon, and we’re just going to use Gamma to let us know that this is a photon. So this photon is coming in with a leveling R here and it has this much energy. Now, it’s interesting. We want to know if we have a photon that’s coming in with this wavelength and we have the energy that we calculated in the previous screen with this radial distance, how do they compare? So if we looked at it with our little. Equation so that we don’t have all of this sort of convoluted knit. We’re saying that we have K and K isn’t a variable that we’re just using to see what is the ratio between the photon energy and the Coulomb energy as we have it. And we’re going to solve for K if K equals one, that means there’s a 1 to 1 relationship between the length of the wavelength coming in and the radial distance that’s coming in. But if it’s something different, it means that there’s a ratio, there’s there’s this proportionality that’s different between the wavelength of the light coming in and the radial distance. Well, when we solve for K, we come up with this particular equation here K is a function of R is just this. I’m not going to read it out and explain it, but this is just a straight up function that we get to have a value of. K And that’s sort of important because we want to know if we have a photon coming in, how can we figure out what is the value of R or what is? If we know R, what is the value of the photon that’s coming in? So we’ve got a way that we can sort of measure back and forth between it. If we take the additional energy and it got a little bit of a transition going here before we put the full equation on that, notice our full equation. Is the Coolum Energy Plus the advanced energy divided by our ratio of K is going to equal some energy of some photon that’s coming in. So what we really want to do, though, is think about the fact that if we were in a lab and we were examining. This extra energy right here. We would think of it in classical terms because we didn’t know that this necessarily had an advance. We didn’t know that this energy wasn’t cool of energy. We would we’d mix it right in with cool and we’d say, Hey, classically we need to measure that energy this way down here. We need to use the classical equation for measuring energy, but we’re just going to measure it so that it’s equal to this advanced energy over here, so that we distinguish between the classical energy that we were using for the whole system while ago and the classical that we’re using just for the advance. We’re calling it prime. This prime energy important to know, this prime energy is exactly equal to the advance energy. That’s what we’ve done here. We’ve set it 1% equal. There’s no fudge factor. There’s nothing. It’s just we’ve said we’re going to we’re going to define this energy here in terms of the classical Coulomb energy. That’s all we’ve done. And we said it’s going to have a R prime so we can keep it differentiated from this are it’s going to have an R prime with an E prime. If we have that energy, we would also have another thing called angular momentum. And angular momentum is as an orbit is taking place of an electron or a planet or anything like that. This there’s a momentum that the electron has as it moves around it. That momentum for this particular type of system in classical approach is simply the radius time, the mass, the radius time, the mass time, the velocity, and this is the velocity, classically speaking, using this particular equation. So our angular momentum is again. Our angular momentum prime based on this advanced energy. Is our time. The mass of the electron. Time it’s velocity. Now I want to interrupt sort of the process of what we’re doing here and talk about a particular quote, actually, several quotes that Richard Feynman made concerning the fine structure constant. And one of his quotes that I read years ago, decades ago, said it has been a mystery ever since it was discovered more than 50 years ago. Well, he made this quote in 1984. So that that that tells you how long ago that the fine structure constant was discovered. And he said all good theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry about it. And I almost inserted a picture of my wall because on my wall I can look over now on my wall is there’s not one there is multiple pages taped to my wall in my study that has the fine structure constant on it. And they have been there for years. It is exactly as Feynman said. It’s a mystery. Where does it come from? How does it happen? He even said at another time, and I put a check because it is on my wall. He said at another time immediately he’d like to know where this number for a coupling comes from. Is it related to PI or perhaps the base of natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics, a magic number that comes to us with no understanding by humans. You might say the hand of God wrote that number and we don’t know how he pushed his pencil. We know what kind of dance to do experimentally to measure this number very accurately. But we don’t know what kind of dance to do on the computer to make this number come out without putting it in secretly. Well, let’s see what happens when we place the hydrogen atom into previous space. And we use the equation that we just. The equation. Where we have a photon coming in, interacting with the energy. We have the ratio, we have the angular momentum from the extra energy. So this is representing the angular momentum for this extra energy that’s due to a gravitational advance. And this is the extra Coulomb energy as it would be measured of the advance. Here’s interesting. When we take the wavelength. That is coming in of this photon right here. If we take that wavelength and we set it equal to the reduced Compton wavelength, which is a pretty known constant length wavelength, and it’s equal to when it’s when it’s not reduced. And reduced just means it’s divided by two pi when it’s not reduced, this energy exactly equals the rest energy of the electron about it. So it’s, it’s a natural progression to sort of put in and say, hey, if we have the risk energy of the electron coming in, what do these equations look like over here? What values do they take? What value does this eek energy take here? What value does the advanced energy take? What is the value of this ratio here? What is the value of the advance? What is the value of the angular momentum and what is the value of the classical energy? Coulomb Energy down here, when we’re just looking at these, this is where. The model has a dance referencing fireman has a dance that will produce certain values. Again, it’s only when we use the reduced Compton wavelength, but that’s a very natural wavelength to investigate with your equations. So what is the first number that we’re going to consider? Well, the first number we’re going to consider is this ratio. Here is the fine structure constant now. So we understand what we’re talking about. We took a gravitational effect of a light coming in that added extra energy from a gravitational effect. And we find that the ratio of that. Extra effect to the radius over here. Remember how we did that? Because this all all of these are equal over here. Now, when we did that, that ratio is the fine structure constant. It fell out. It was generated by a gravitational effect compared to a photon effect. We get the fine structure constant. Secondly, the advance itself, this whole area up here that’s circled is what’s called the classical electron radius. I’m not going to go into what the classical electron radius is, just that those that work in this understanding know that that’s a constant and it’s it’s a very, very known constant. That in itself. These two numbers right here was pretty exciting. But let’s see what else we get as as we work our way across here, the Coolum classical energy. This part right here ends up being the fine structure constant, which we call alpha, the fine structure, constant time, the rest energy of the electron. The extra energy that we have here due to the advance is alpha squared. Time the rest energy of the electron. Continuing the photon coulomb ratio is alpha over two pi time one plus the ratio e over r are not ratio but the. The classical electron radius. Excuse me, over whatever the radius is. The total energy is two pi time the rest energy. The reason for to pi is because we use the reduced Compton wavelength in evaluating this photon that’s coming in. Interestingly, this R prime is what’s called bors radius. It’s another constant that we know and that boar derived in the early 1900s he derived. So it’s a very known constant. And the angular momentum here under this classical approach is exactly H bar, which is Planck’s reduced constant. It’s a it’s it’s an it’s a discrete amount of energy under plunks. Derivation that was placed there. This is pretty exciting because I need to need to say this. If you consider these two areas right here. This up here. It is a gravitationally induced effect. On an orbit that causes an advance and in causes an additional amount of energy to be added to the system because of the warping of space that caused the advance. This here is an angular momentum that has the value of H bar, which is a quantum effect. This quantity of energy right here, this angular momentum that in itself is a gravitational to quantum bridge that this particular model shows all from an advance. We can come up with an angular momentum that matches plants constant. Now, in the next video, we will be showing. More about this constant. And we’re going to do what’s called democratization. We’re going to say that if everything had to move at a certain. Constant advance, which we’ve already said this is constant for whatever radius there is about it. We’ve already showed this advance is constant. It doesn’t depend on radius. If we stepped through these equations, just moving it, one electric classical electron radius at a time took this advance up here and just moved it to one step. Then two times it, then three times it, then four times it. We want to see what type of things happen, and that’s what we’re going to be discussing in the next video. So again, thank you for watching this video. I hope you found it encouraging. I hope you find it inspiring and hopefully you find it in a way that it gets you thinking outside of the box and looking at things in a different way. Next up, we’re going to be looking at the results of the hydrogen atom model in previous space. Thank you for watching, as always. And if you want to see the entire video set in one collection, check us out at this website here. Look forward to seeing in the next video.