Bridging The Gap Part 2
Video Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Rickey Austin:
Good day and welcome. My name is Ricky Austin and I have a PhD in computational science and engineering and I have a great passion for the physics, especially the physics of understanding gravitational effects in nature. And I’ve always had. A desire to better understand the quantum nature of a world around about us. It’s it’s very well said when it said that if you think you understand quantum physics, you don’t understand quantum physics because the things that happen at that level are just outside of our normal experiences that we have. So welcome to this series. This is part two of a series calling. We’re calling it The Bridging the Gap. And it’s basically looking at a scalar field that we introduced in part one of the series. And if you haven’t seen it, I recommend you go back and watch that so you can understand the scalar field that we’re talking about, the scalar field we’ve named previous space and in previous space we’re going to look at general relativity effects and how they actually produce quantum effects inside of this previous space. And today we want to build upon the series. We’ve taken the scalar field, the previous space that we’ve had, and we’ve shown how it predicts and analyzes time dilation between two locations in the field, and that that time dilation matches known theories such as general relativity. And it in it matches known data that’s come from experimental data that is out there. So today what we want to look at is orbits in mainly planetary orbits because that’s something to look at and understand. But before we do that, I think it’s important to understand what perihelion is. And many of you out there that are watching this probably think, Oh, I already know what perihelion is, but for those that do not know, I want to take just a minute and explain what perihelion is. If we have an orbit that is an elliptical orbit, an elliptical can be a circle or it can be what is a skewed circle, which is like this, an elliptical orbit. The planet. If this was the sun, the planet is following this particular orbital path all the way around. Well, it gets to be that there is one point and only one point in the path that it is the nearest distance to the sun. This nearest distance, when it hits that little bit of a nearest distance, and then it starts going away from the sun again. And at that point, it is called the perihelion. And the perihelion is the nearest point. Well, I’m sure in your mind you’re thinking, okay, if there’s a nearest point, there’s probably something that’s considered the farthest point or the father’s distance out away from that orbit. And you’re absolutely right. And they named that the Aphelion. So we have the Aphelion, which is the father’s point, and we have the perihelion, which is the nearest point. And in the next couple of slides, we will be talking about an advance in the orbit. And when we talk about an advance in orbit, we’re talking about the perihelion advance, which means that once the orbit has come to this point here, it’s it’s back to its perihelion point, the point nearest to it. And what we want to understand is that when it has an advance, this perihelion point may not be at the same location it was in space before. And that’s where we want to understand that and sort of try to figure out what’s going on there and then what does it orbit inside of previous space represent. When we look at the perihelion, does it give an advance? Does it not give an advance? That’s something we’d want to investigate here so we can understand our previous space. Now, it’s sort of unimportant to understand, too, that we want to go through and explain all of this on the very large body celestial bodies, the very large, the moon, the stars, galaxies, planets, those those things are very large. So that once we establish that these rules are working in previous space, then we want to apply in the next part of this series. We’re going to apply it down to the hydrogen atom. So we’re going to go to the very, very small and see how these rules play out in that world. So this one, it’s important to sort of lay this groundwork. So the first thing I want to talk about is exemplar space. And if you remember exemplar space from part one, that is simply a space where there is no gravitational effect at all. So in an exemplar space, if there. Was an area that there was no gravitational effect, which you’re going to say, well, how can you have an orbit if you don’t have gravity? And I’m like, yes, just live with me in this pretend land for a little bit. We have an area where there’s no gravitational effect, but we have something that is moving around it. So what you will notice is that as this orbits around it, it comes back to this same location each time, and we will call this the perihelion point, the point closest to whatever it’s orbiting here in the middle. It comes back to this same location each time it and that is Newtonian gravitational orbit. It predicted that if it started at a certain point, if that perihelion was at a certain point, then when it comes back to that perihelion, it’s going to be at the same point in space. Now, there could be some other things that might affect it. If there is another planet orbiting, there might be a few little effects here or there that would cause it to wobble and and move a little bit from that point. But those would still be under the concept of absolute time and space that we’ve talked about in the previous part of this series. But then. There happened to be the time and most people that are familiar with general relativity know the story. There happened to be a time that we looked at Mercury and they measured all of the effects of mercury from the other planets and so forth. And there is this unexplained. Advance that took place. So here’s where it started, the perihelion right here. But when they measured the polar Healy in the next time it was over here and they’re like, okay, what’s going on? Is there another planet? And there’s a whole great story out there for those that are Star Trek fans and understand Vulcan. You should look up the history of the Vulcan Planet and what was predicted as a planet in order to try to explain this interesting story there, but not for this video. So we have this advance that they’re measuring and. What I want to be able to do is explain to you so you can really see and hopefully this clears it up, be able to see that this advance right here from where it started to where it ends, that’s what we’re calling the advance. Now, the advance depending on the the strength of our scalar field. Remember I was talking about that. It’s just numbers. If we have a big number, it represents a big gravitational field. If we have a small number, it represents a smaller gravitational field. We can have a gravitational field that produces different advances. Under a large gravitational field. The advance may actually go and be farther. So this would be in a not so large gravitational field, maybe like our sun, which compared to many of the gravitational fields, the universe is not a large gravitational field. It may produce an advance of this size, but if we get in a large gravitational field, it could produce one this size or it could even go to one. Theoretically, that could come all around and back around to the place that it started. So you’re actually doing two orbits in one orbit. Now there’s other things that would constrain it, but we’re not going to get complicated there. But just so you can imagine what that might be, Einstein, spatially, that we’ve never known anywhere in nature to break this rule is that nothing can move faster than the speed of light. So sometimes four. To make that orbit two orbits in one one loop, it may have to break the speed of light and in nature we’ve never seen that happen. So there gets to be other things that may constrain this. But overall, we want to understand that this area up here, this is the advance and this is what we’re going to be looking at as we move to some of the other slides. So this is sort of important key takeaways from this slide is that an exemplar space, the orbit returns to the same location each time. It’s Newtonian mechanics all the way. It says it’s going to have a perihelion at this spot in space about the orbit and it’s going to return to it. And it does it like clockwork to this same point. But in previous space, the orbital will have an advance. It’s going it does predict that there is an advance in previous space. The stronger the field, which I’ve already mentioned, the stronger the field in previous space, the larger the advance would be. And before we leave this slide, this is sort of an interesting concept. So I want to just put it out here so people can understand this exemplar space right here, this space here in this return. This does not exist in the world world that we are aware of. There is no place in the world world that gravity does not reach and does not have an effect. If you have a single molecule, that molecule will have a gravitational effect and it will stretch for a very, very long way out there. It may be very, very, very weak, but it will stretch for a very far distance out there. And there is no place in our universe that we’re aware of that this does not exist. But then on the other hand, this area over here where we have the advance and we have the gravitational effect, this sort of represents everywhere we’re at, everywhere we have the gravitational effect of the earth. We have the gravitational effect of the moon, the sun, the galaxy that we live in, and the other galaxies that are around us. They all have a gravitational effect. This is the real world that we live in over here. So I thought it would just be good to mention that exemplar space is a model and it’s a concept sort of in elementary physics we talk about a place where there is no friction. No friction. It’s a frictionless surface. Well, that’s sort of what we’re doing with the exemplar. We’re saying there’s no gravitational effect. We’re going back to Newtonian, absolute space, absolute time. And in theory, if we could travel somewhere in space far enough out there that there was no matter anywhere, we could have this exist, but we do not know of that spot. So continue. Let’s look at the orbit and approval space. If we have a circular orbit and that means none ecliptic. None smooshed. A perihelion and a in a circle orbit is the same spot everywhere because a circle is made up of a radius that draws out a path that’s the same distance from the center of the circle all the way around. So that circle, if it’s an orbit, it’s a pure circle. Every spot on that orbit is a perihelion. I hope that’s not too confusing. But when we go into an elliptical orbit and in the next slide, we will talk about the perihelion at that point. Now, if we had. A circumference of a circle. It is equal to two pi r two pi time the radius. But we want to take our local a member. We’re going to see how it works in this field. So we’re going to measure our local value of a and then we have to multiply that time our distance R to be able to transfer it over to exemplar space. And this is the full equation and the reason that we’re square and you’re like, okay, I don’t remember seeing this little square up here, but for the reason that we’re squaring it is because we have a distance. But that distance is traversed over a time. So not only are we having to put a. Scalar value against our distance. We also have to multiply our time that has happened for us to cover this distance time that a so a time a is a squared and that’s why we’re squaring this is because we’re covering both time and distance and we have to use the A from our scalar field, the rate that is there for both time and distance and that provides the square that is there, then we will have an advance that is predicted. Notice that two pi r time one is to pi r, but that plus something means that it’s larger than two pi. So this circumference is going to look larger in exemplar space than it does in our local space. Now, there’s another interesting concept, and this is important. We will want to carry this throughout our series. Notice that when we multiply this out, if we multiply this area here, the two pi are by this area here, the three GMM over RC squared, these are these are going to cancel out. And once they cancel out, we have what is called a first order constant in advance and it’s predicted to be this this is important. This constant is predicted to be independent of radial distance. So that means if I’m a planet orbiting the sun and I’m very close like mercury, I have this same advance constant that’s added to my orbit. Now, understand, this is a length. This is not an angle, this is a length. This same length has been added to my orbit. If it’s if it’s a circle orbit, this same length has been added. But I’ll give you a little hint. This same constant is inside an elliptical orbit too. But elliptical has a little bit different change because velocity changes and in and so forth. That will happen in Ellipse, but we’ll look at that in the next slide. But right now, what’s important to note is that there is this constant length and if you move all the way out in orbit to the earth orbiting the sun, it has this same constant added into it. It’s a first order. There’s other parts that will be added in as this series would be moved out. But this first order right here, it always starts with the circumference plus a constant, the circumference plus a constant. So for mercury, it’s the circumference plus a constant. For the earth it’s the circumference plus a constant. This constant is added on to any orbit inside of a system that is there that would be important as we continue the progression through this series. Okay. Now let us consider an elliptical orbit in elliptical orbits challenges that a circular orbit does not have. If we try to put it into our equation for a the main challenge is there is a spot that is close, a spot that is far, which means the radius at one point is very short compared to the radius. At another point in a circle, the radius is constant. It stayed the same all the way around. And so it was easy. We could just take and place orange equation, multiply it by two pi because it was a constant all the way around. Well, the radius now is not a constant as this planet or electron or whatever we’re looking at orbits something of a center gravitational force here. It changes. The radius here is different than the radius here. It’s a different length than it is here. Different length than it is here. Differently than it is here. And so in order to do that, we have to change how we calculate it. And for those that don’t really enjoy math, unfortunately, we cannot escape it at this point. We must use calculus. Calculus is just made for taking step by step by step by step by step and calculating what R is. And then we’ll once we take that step, we’ll calculate our put in your equation and then sum up all of the little steps across it to see how big the circumference is when we do it in the previous space and compare it to what it would be if we did it in a simpler space where there was no effect of gravity at that point. And the way that we’re going to do it is we’re going to take this as being angle zero. And as it moves here, there’s a new angle that comes across that’s made from this area right here in this new angle. As we step through it, we’ll use that angle in an equation that some other people put together that are very smart and calculate what the value of R is according to whatever this angle is. It will tell us if it’s a big angle like this. It’ll tell us what the value of R is at that spot right there. So in order to do that, we’re going to use this type of equation. Notice, this is an angle. This E is what’s called eccentricity. And it tells us how skewed our a elliptic orbit is. Is it really close to a circle or does it look more like an egg or does it look even more like, say, a football shape? This e allows us to understand that and we place that into this equation. A is what’s called a semi-major axis. Don’t let that scare you too much is sort of just think of it sort of like a radial distance. If you want to know more about that, I suggest you look at it. This isn’t really important to what we’re doing here. It’s just important to understand that that’s what the value is here in this equation. So as we see as this is constant, it doesn’t change for the Ellipse. If this doesn’t change the eccentricity, the only thing that changes. Is the angle as it transfers around. The Sun or whatever central object it’s orbiting around. And so as this changes are changes and we get the value of our and from there we can do a full integration over the orbit. This is where we have the kinetic energy from our value and a divided by the rest mass. The potential energy divided by the rest mass. Here. We squared it. We’ve discussed that previously. The reason the one is taken away here is we’ve added the one in, but we want to take it back out because we don’t want the whole circumference. We only want the part that is the advance. That’s what we’re looking for out of this integration. We’re integrating it from 0 to 2 pi for our angle as it goes across and the next is for one orbit. And it’s a period. It’s a time. So here we’re getting our space and our time, which, if I remember from the previous slides and video, that’s why we had to square because we have 1a4 time, 1a4 space multiplying together and we get the square when we do all of this calculation for the planet Mercury, which is known and very popular in general relativity as being the. Key event and actually having general relativity accepted. When Sir Eddington measured that in the early 1900s, Mercury was known to have a little bit of a shift. And it’s interesting those that are Star Trek fans. Again, if you’re interested, go and look up what the Vulcan Planet is and why it’s there. But another story for another time. But when we place this integration over the previous field, using this integration, we come up with a predicted 42.9 8 seconds per century advance due just to the field, not to other planets and so forth, but just to the field. This has great fidelity, which means it’s very close and very accurate compared to the empirical data or the major data that’s out there. It’s also very. Precise to what general relativity predicts if you do the calculations to sort out child’s metric. So it’s great that we have a field that’s a very simple field. It’s just a regular scalar field that we do an integration over and we come up with numbers that match what is in nature and match what is an accepted theory. Now, it’s important to remember that even though we have this ugly looking integration here for those, and I say ugly for those that don’t enjoy math, that just looks like a lot of confusion and mass and so forth. But inside that, there is still the constant that we’ve talked about previously is still inside all of this. It’s just been mixed in with emotion, with it, and then with the changing of R with the radius, it’s all been mixed in with it. But at the heart still in this calculation to a first order is the constant that is the same for every planet. And that’s what we’re going to look at briefly next as we close out this particular video and the next slide. Interestingly. And we’ll try to do this quickly here as we close out this part, too, if we compare it to Mercury, Venus, Earth, all of the orbits. The blue is the advance that’s actually measured. The red is what is predicted from the movement in previous space. And notice that it’s very, very close. It gets a little off out here. And this is distance, distance, not angle, distance, additional distance that should be moved at the perihelion through every orbit. I just want to point out real quickly that in these numbers, as they were calculated in graphed, only the sun was considered to cause the gravitational effect. We did not consider Jupiter, Saturn. These are really large planets. Jupiter is going to start getting, you know, like within 10% of the mass of the sun. It’s going to have an effect. So you’re starting to see some of that take place as we move out of wave from Jupiter. Jupiter compared with the sun. So that gives some explanation as to why this is off. But the important part is that it’s very close, very similar and has a good match for what we see in nature. We have to start feeling more confident about our model with the previous space that it does, at least at this point, reflect what’s happening in nature. Now that’s hit for this particular video. Up next, we’re going to actually take all of the information that we’ve learned about previous space with a large and we’re going to move it down to the small and look at a hydrogen atom in previous space. That is where it’s going to get excited. And I promise there will be surprises, surprises that we find when we do that. That one is worth watching. Again, thank you for watching. If you want to see this full set of videos of this series, check us out at this website here. And thank you again.