At this point in the theory’s development, it is necessary to distinguish between a global (field) effect and a local (location-based) effect. Consider a trajectory where dr=0 (the radial distance from the central mass) and dv=0, the ratios remain constant. Unit time and unit length remain the same for the entire trajectory. If dr≠0 and or dv≠0 are along the path, then ratios are in a mixed state.
The motion of a test particle that causes a change in v (dv≠0 for the entire path) also causes a mixed state of ratios (over the path). The dv≠0 is a local effect, dependent upon the instantaneous velocity of the test particle. The dv≠0 does not affect the global field. The local effect depends only on local conditions (the instantaneous velocity of the test particle).
Well established is Einstein’s SR, which shows that velocity is relative. According to SR the effect of velocity can only be measured relative to another particle (or frame). So this local effect is relative to observations that are transformed between two frames and based on their differential in instantaneous velocity. However, these local effects do not globally affect a field. They depend on differentials in observed velocity. Where as a change in the magnitude of mass in a gravitational field affects all locations. Regardless of their relative velocity.
Putting the local effect in terms of the theory, a global effect causes a change in a space’s sinertia, which triggers a propagation in the field that changes available sinertia at all locations. A local effect does not trigger a change in space’s sinertia triggering a propagation in the field. The test mass moving through the field will experience a higher availability of sinertia in the direction of velocity when compared to a particle with relative zero velocity elsewhere in the field, producing a force in the direction of travel. But no effect is triggered in space changing available sinertia at a location. Note: At this point in the theory’s development, charged particles have not been considered.
The higher availability of sinertia in the direction of the velocity (relative to another observer) increases the pinertia of the test particle. This, in effect, adds to its coupling to space as observed by a different observer. If dv=0 between observers over the path, then the ratios do not change (the transformation scalar value is constant). This local effect on pinertia provides a path (should one wish to pursue it) for corresponding to Einstein’s theory to SR.
- Global
Causes a change in space’s available sinertia and triggers a propagation throughout space. - Local
Does not cause a change in sinertia, causes a change in pinertia of the particle at the location. There is no triggering of propagation throughout space.