ridging The Gap Part 4

Video Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4


Rickey Austin

Hello and welcome to this series on Bridging the Gap. My name is Ricky Austin, and today we’re going to be looking at part four and five in the series. And actually, this closes out the series for this particular presentation. But we’ve been talking about general relativity effects and how these effects can produce quantum effects and the model that we’ve presented in the previous part of the series. Today, we’re going to be talking about the results of that of the modeling of the hydrogen atom in previous space. And I think before we do that, it would be good for us to have a review, especially the last slide that we had in part three. If you remember, we talked about the equation that’s at the center here, this equation here, we talked about that it’s the total energy, plus the classical Coulomb energy, plus the energy due to the vans. And C is a proportionality function so that if we’re converting from a photon length coming in to a radial length of the orbit of an electron around a proton, and we said we were going to allow our investigate this equation when lambda the incoming wavelength equals the reduced Compton wavelength, which is basically just the wavelength of a photon when it equals the rest energy of an electron. And the reduced part just means that it’s been divided by two pi. Now, when we did that, we had these numbers that we’re going to look at here just pop out. They were derived in. And after the equation was derived, these numbers fell out in place. These ratios, the first one is this ratio is the fine structure constant. We call it alpha for short and it’s pretty well known within the science industry. The second interesting thing was that the advance is equal to the classical electron radius. Another thing of interest is to remember this is a gravitationally induced event. In other words, this advance happened because of the warping of space and time due to a gravitational effect. Continuing, we said the classical was equal to the fine structure. Constant time, the rest energy. The advance energy that we’ve found is equal to alpha squared. This ratio time. The rest. Mass energy of the rest mass. The ratio. The total energy. And then we wanted to look at what was are and we discovered that our was what’s known as Bors radius. It’s usually marked as a sub naught and it’s from a classical approach to explain the hydrogen atom and how it might behave was done by bore. Then we said, looking at the angular momentum, which classically has this equation, it equals Planck’s constant, which is the quanta of energy. It’s a democratization of energy. And then pretty much all of quantum physics is based on this one concept you can derive and start here and come up with all of quantum physics. And that’s pretty much the way history came about. And what we ended with was showing that these two areas here. A gravitationally induced event. Or created a quantum event that in itself is a gravitational to quantum bridge is showing that there is an effect, that gravity can have a predicted effect, that gravity has that can create this quantity of energy that’s found in quantum mechanics. So that’s the review from the previous lecture. Part three of this lecture. And so now we’re ready to move a little bit deeper into the final area. Before we do that, I’m going to try to describe what democratisation is and not as a non math descriptive. One of the things I’ve wanted to do in this presentation, the series is as best as possible. Keep this on a level that there are few. Equations and as little math discussion as possible so that those that have not had that education can be able to still at least conceive and understand the concept of what’s being talked about here. But I also wanted to leave enough equations in here so that those that are more advanced and have this in their studies, they can take that base and then follow through with it. And of course, you can always visit our website. We have more information on it and then any publications, articles, etc. that might have to deal with this. So democratization, non math, descriptive. The best illustration in my mind that I come up with was for us to consider the price of an atom, of an atom that we go to the store and want to buy. So I ask the question, can it be 33? And a third sense if the person at the register asked you to give them a payment for the goods you’ve received of 33 and a third sense, would it make your head stop and think for a minute like, Wait, I can’t do that. How about if they said it was this huge number here? You got a bill in the mail and it said it was $1.2345678. Can you write a check for that amount? Can you go to the bank and say, give me this amount in cash? Well, why can you not go to the bank and ask that question? Why can you not give the teller or the cashier at the local store 33 and a $0.30? Well, it is probably obvious because we only have discrete increments of exchange. It’s like if I look through my pocket and I had ever available current coin in the United States right now, the best I could do is a penny that’s like the smallest I can go is a penny. So I can give you $0.33 or I can give you $0.34, but I cannot give you that 33 and a $0.30 without destroying government property, i.e. the penny. The second part is we also have this discrete increment when it comes to dealing with paper currency. If I had no change, no coins, the best I could do would be to give you to a dollar level. So that 1.23456, seven, $8, if it’s just in paper currency, the best I can do is give you a dollar or I can give you $2. That’s the best I can do. And why? Because that’s the only instrument are the only increments of exchange that we have in there. Discrete. One penny, two penny, three penny for penny. So we’re going to have to bring in a little bit of math here, but hopefully it’s not too bad. If we say that the value of Y equals two times X, so that if I gave you the numbers for X so that they could only be one, two, three, four, like a pennies, like the pennies we talked about. If I give you one penny and it’s equal to 1xx was your penny, then your value of y would be two pennies. Because four y is going to equal two times whatever number of pennies that I have. If pennies represented the x. So then what does it really tell us about y? Well, first it tells you that y can only take on values of two, four, six, etc. the even numbers. So if we had this type of function with coins, the y side of this equation could only come out in even numbers of pennies. It’d be two pennies for pennies, six pennies, etc.. The discrete increment of x then is one. It can be one, two, three, four, which we said earlier. But that is what we discovered. Was it a streak discrete increment of it? And how does it affect the value of Y? Well, the value of Y then can only take on the values of two increments of 2 to 4, six, eight, etc.. So hopefully this allows you to learn a little bit about what democratization is so that as we move forward, you can be able to understand when we say we’re going to take a function and we’re going to destroy ties that function. And unfortunately, we have to go through that process to really understand the power of this model. You’ll understand that it really means that what we’re doing, we’re just saying that this function can only take on certain values that’s inputted into it, like the function X could only take on Pini. So it was one, two, three, four pennies, etc., but not two and a half or square root of of two pennies or or the pi pennies. It could only take on one, two, three and four. And those are the only allowable values and we can decide that to be any particular value for a function. We could decide that everything’s going to be incremented by pi. So it could be one pi, two pi, three pi for pi. Or we could decide that it’s incremented by the square root of two and be one Times Square to two or two times the square root of two. Or if we were dealing in produce, we would say that we can only sell you whole apples. So it’s one apple, two apple, three apple, but we don’t sell half apples. That’s discrimination. So that whatever is decided is the increment. Those are the only allowable values that it’s allowed to have. So now back to the main part of the model in discussing how we want to take the function that we had that showed there was. A disk is not a dictation at that time, but a minimum amount of energy. Planck’s constant h and how it was related to the advance that every orbit would have in this proton electron system. And so since that advance is a constant, it’s never going to change for any orbit. A natural progression then is for us to investigate democratising that function. So we’re going to say that the only values that we can put in for this in that’s down in this equation that we’re looking at here, the only value we can put in for in here is going to be one, two, three, four, what’s called integers, the positive integers. And that means that we can only have one. Advance or the length of two advances or the length of three advances or the length of four. So we’re taking this advance and constants, and that’s constant, this advance that is constant, and we’re just multiplying it by the integers. And that’s the only values that this energy can take. We want to do that for our advanced energy, the extra energy that we have there, which means that we also want to then do it for our prime. We’re going to make our prime a function of in so that our prime can only take on certain values. The same here with our Prime Coulomb energy. It can only take on certain values. And of course, we’d also want to do this for angular momentum. And so, as you can see here very, very quickly, we’ve kept this r e, which is the advance. We’ve kept it r e in each time we just said it has to be in increments of 1 to 3 or four now sometimes because the way the equations vary between each other, we may have to square that base number, but that base number is always going to flow by one, two, three, four, etc. is the only values that can take time that advance. And we do that for all of these equations. We have it doing the same democratisation to where n can take on the values of one, two, three, four. And we want to see what are the values of these energies of each of these and what is the value of the angular momentum. And that’s what we’re going to. Now, for those that are familiar with what’s called the visual theorem, it basically states that if you have a type of energy called the kinetic energy, that’s the movement energy, the action energy, something that’s moving and has action. That’s the energy that it has due to that motion. And if you take the kinetic energy of an orbiting particle, it will be half of the potential energy of a bound system. So we need to apply this to our binding energy of AC that we’ve been talking about all along. For us to be able to get the kinetic energy out of it, to see what it’s going to take to do a certain action that we’re looking for, we’re going to have to divide it by half. So that’s why you see the half right here. Then we’re going to say n can only equal one, two or three, and that’s what we have here one. So when we put one into our equation, we get a value of energy called 13.6 EV, which is electron volts, 13.6 electron volts at value two we get 3.4 ev. So we put our number two in because we can only step by one by two. And of course the next one is three and three. We get this particular energy. What’s what’s interesting is if you wanted to go from this energy level here to this energy level, there’s going to be a difference of a certain amount of energy. And if you wanted to go from this energy level here to this energy level up here, you would subtract this or subtract this one from this to get what the difference between those are. Well, that ends up that if you do that from from level one to a, level two, we have 10.2 electron volts, EVs. If we go from 3 to 1, we have 12.9 EV for those in science and that work with the hydrogen atom very much they’ll notice that this is what’s called the Lineman series and it’s a very well known series and it’s the emission rate of the spectrum of the hydrogen atom. So if you excite the hydrogen atom, this is the wavelength of a light that you would see come from that excitation. Now there’s other series that can be put together. This series here just talks about going from 3 to 1 or 2 to 1, or if we continued 4 to 1, 5 to 1, etc. That’s the Langman series that does that. There’s other series that go from 3 to 2, four, two to 5 to 2 or from 4 to 3, 5 to 3. They have a different base that they’re traveling to. But all of those series. Can be formed from this one very equation. So we have to stop and think about it for just a minute. We started with a gravitational effect, showed how it worked in a celestials with like the perihelion advance of mercury. And then we took that same progression down to a very small world of the hydrogen atom and did a very simplistic model, a classic model of the hydrogen atom, as though an electron was circling the proton like a planet, circles the sun or orbits the sun. From that, we derived several equations about the energy that would come out of the advance, and from that we had the equations fall out that I showed you as a review at the beginning of this video here and now since we did that, we discussed it and said how you can only allow certain energy levels and with that it predicted and spit out if you want to say it that way. The numbers for the spectrum of the hydrogen atom that’s that in my mind is pretty encouraging, pretty exciting, something that makes me want to investigate it a lot deeper. Like, is this really happening now? Is this going on? How else does it affect other things, so forth like that to start with a gravitational effect and come up with a quantum effect and a quantum discrimination is exciting for, at least for me, in this type of realm. Now let’s look at discrete angular momentum. Angular momentum, if you recall, is when we have the electron flying around the proton in this classical version where it’s like a planet as it moves around, it has momentum, it has a type of energy that that once it’s moving and the faster it moves, the harder it is to stop, the slower it moves, the easier it is to stop. Well, this type of momentum is called an angular momentum because it’s moving in a circle. It just be called regular momentum if it was moving straight on. But if it’s moving in a circle or has this acceleration to it, but like in a circle, it’s called angular momentum. And when you’re only dealing with one center mass like the proton and one orbital like the electron, so it’s just a two body system, a proton and electron. The angular momentum classically is very simple. It’s the radial distance that the electron is out and it’s the time, the mass time, the velocity. And we’ve said that that we were going to put one into our equation and then two into our equation and then three into our equation, because we have to have distance increments. So the R in the equation is being incremented by one, the R prime by one. But it’s also got a conversion factor that we talked about before, and so does the velocity. The velocity is dependent on the radial distance. So when we plug one in, we get exactly one. Unit of energy, plunks unit of energy. When we plug in two, we get two. When we plug in three, we get three. It shows that there is. A 1 to 1 relationship between the advance that was derived for the electron and proton orbit and around a proton, and that for each advance that it happens. For each one of those advance there is a one increment of the quanta of energy that’s a direct relationship. And we talked about that in the previous slide where we talked about that Planck’s constant of H in this case H bar. It’s the reduced constant and here’s the here’s the radius time, the mass time, the velocity. And then we talked about this area here where the ratio is this advance and this advance here is a gravitationally. Induced effect that causes this much extra circumference or distance to be added to an orbit. Oops that there that we talked about is a direct connection between. Gravitational effects and quantum effects. It is a bridge that actually bridges the two together. So so that we can sort of understand these different energy parts. Let’s visualize what each one is. We’ll start with. Our prime area and what energy it is. So first, I probably should explain that this is what’s called a cooling potential energy. Well, it means the electron is spinning around the proton and the proton, and the electron has a system and that system has enough energy to hold the electron in its orbit if the energy of that system has energy added to it. That brings it up to this point here. The electron will escape. It’ll no longer be in orbit, but as long as that energy of the system stays in this negative realm down through here, so that it’s sort of not sort of but is bound. It’s a balanced system. This will continue. To orbit the proton. But as soon as the energy’s at it enough that it escapes, it’s no longer bound. Well, the part of the energy that is the prime part that comes from remember, it comes from this advance energy. These are exactly equal. We set them equal. They are exactly equal. This is the representation of how much energy is there. And actually, if we drew it to real 1 to 1 chart as to what this is, it would be so small you couldn’t see it. It’s about one over 18,870 or so. It’s a very, very small amount. But I needed to blow it up so we could actually show what we’re talking about here. But just know that it’s a much smaller amount here than what’s being shown. This amount is of the total energy. This part in here is only caused by the gravitational effect. That’s important to remember and think about in this model. This appear is the classical Coulomb energy. This is what we’d normally think of if we’re just doing it from a classical without thinking about any gravitational effect or the light. This would be what type of whale this this electron would be. And now there is a factor of one half because of the kinetic energy and getting the electron to escape. We talked about that earlier, but the energy we’re talking about here is the potential energy. And classically it is this and the new advances here. So together this energy and this energy equal the total energy. And again, what’s important to remember is all of this area, when you think about this energy, this is the gravitationally induced. Energy of this area. So now I want to bring about something that we’re if you’re talking theory or model or so forth, you start with conjectures and conjectures, just thinking out loud, basically. And then once you have a conjecture, you start to investigate that conjecture. And hopefully you come up with an hypothesis from that conjecture. And then from a hypothesis you may come up with other things that eventually lead to a theory at this level. And looking at this particular graph here and looking at how there’s just a gravitational induced energy, there is a bit of a dilemma, at least in my mind. Because what this is saying is if our model said that we had an incoming think of this as an incoming photon, it’s just flat across here. We have an incoming photon. And we said that photon had roughly the energy of the rest mass of the electron. Well, that’s a lot of energy coming in here. A lot of energy it’s coming in here. But when it comes in and interacts with this system, the proton electron system, when it interacts with a system, it only shows us light from this much area. That’s a large difference. 13.6 EV is a lot different than the amount of EVs that you get by thousands different that you get for the rest of mass of electron. So it feels like there’s something happening here that we lose what’s called conservation of energy. We have a lot of energy and a little bit of energy out and we don’t know what happened to the other energy. It just sort of magically disappeared. And from a science standpoint, I would look at that and I go, There’s a problem. We need to look at this, but I want us to talk about a possible solution. If we add one conjecture to this, if we add one conjecture to this, we can give a potential solution to that very issue that I just talked about. That is that photons can only be created and absorbed when there is a change in the curvature of space time. And for those that are deep into this type of science, I just challenge you to just pause for a minute and think about that. Just just think about it and try to think of an area or situation to where it doesn’t happen and and put it on the board, you know, email me, get with me, and let’s discuss it because I want to find those, because that’s the part of having a conjecture. And you want to find out where do these things not work? Where does this conjecture work? Does it sort of play across all areas? But that is the conjecture. And what that means is that when this photon comes in, if we measured this photon, we measured it from a system that only had it created from the change in the curvature of space time. So when it came out of a system, it may have had the full energy of e of the rest mass of of an electron, but it only emitted a light or a photon that we could measure at 13.6. So we’ve measured that is 13.6 coming in, but. Because photons are only created with the change of space, the only part of this photon energy that we’ve really used to measure it. The only way to understand it, our only way to observe it was through the 13.6. And so we only saw part of it, not the entirety of it. And then it comes flying in. And when it interacts, it interacts with the whole rest massed energy. But again, it only affects the curvature of space in such a way that it sends out to 13.6 EV that we talked about. And this way there is no loss of conservation of energy. There’s conservation of energy. When it was measured out here, before it was sent in, there’s conservation of energy when it was measured here. The only difference is we’re only able to observe a smaller part of it through light or through photon creation. Now, that is something that is extremely sort of out there, and it needs a lot of looking at a lot of work, probably a lot of critique hopefully to come in. And if it survives all of that, then it can be possibly become a hypothesis to possibly even a postulate that we’d add there’s nothing wrong with adding apostolate to this type of model and just saying it, but it does much better if you hold to it and research it beforehand so that when you put it in your model, your model doesn’t instantly break at that time. So that leads us to something in closing here that I wanted to talk about. If it really is true that we can only measure observed just certain parts of the light that’s coming in. So we have that light that’s coming in. And when that photon energy, that wave that’s coming through, it only visually shows us a small amount of its amount that’s bending and warping space. The act of that not continuing is only during the event that the change in the curvature takes place. Does it create or absorb light. It doesn’t continually do it. It’s only during the event of the change in the curvature. If that’s coming through and we’re only recognizing a very small part of it, then there’s there’s an amount of energy that is just hidden, especially in it we talked about in a circular orbit. But there is just this amount of energy that is just hidden. We just do not know it’s there, but yet it’s interacting with the mass and around us it has interaction, but we’re only able to observe a small part of that interaction. So if only the change of curvature of spacetime causes that photon creation is or the rest of the energy then is not observed, which in many ways that we have a possibility to look into and investigate another area to help explain where dark energy and dark matter maybe could be coming from and how it influences matter. But yet we’re not able to see it. How it influences matter, but we’re not able to measure it, which means we’re not able to see it. So these are all things that are just future events with this type of model. But I hope here in the end you’ve enjoyed this series. I hope it expands your mind, makes you think about things that you haven’t thought about before, investigate areas you haven’t thought about before. And if the model is right or wrong, that’s sort of in material. If we can continue our investigation and continue your open thought along that line, that’s the important thing to open our mind, be able to study it, really find the truth and help possibly bridge some of the gaps that we have between general relativity and the quantum world and who knows what horizons those may take. Thank you again. And if you want to see all the videos, check us out at our website there and have a wonderful day, everyone.