A recent article at arXiv, Experimental evidence that a photon can spend a negative amount of time in an atom cloud, has caused a decent amount of attention in the media. Highly summarized, their findings show a photon leaving an excited atom before it has completely entered the atom. That is like a bullet shot at a pane of glass and the glass opposite the entry point of the bullet starts to fly apart before the bullet enters the glass. It doesn’t make logical sense to the observances of the everyday world we live in. Yet, they can show it is a significant measurable event.
NUVO Theory does dive into the quantum realm with this publication. In the last part of the article a suggestion is proposed that photons are encapsulated space (vacuum) from their origin. Thank of it this way, there is a deep ocean of water. The deeper a diver goes, the more pressure they experience. Suppose they could encapsulate a small amount of water from 100 feet, 1000 feet and 1 mile, depths. Each encapsulated sample would have differing pressures depending on their origin within the ocean. If the sample from 1 mile depth was taken to the 100 foot depth it would have a positive pressure (gain energy) compared to the ocean around it. If the 100 foot encapsulated sample was take to the 1 mile depth it would have a negative pressure (loose energy) compared to the ocean around it at 1 mile depth.
This is the concept of light being encapsulated space from its origin (place of creation). If a photon is encapsulated space and it was created deep in a gravity well and traveled outside the gravity well it would have less energy than the space around (red shift). If the photon, as encapsulated space, was created outside the gravity well and traveled into the well, it would have more energy than the space around it (blue shift).
NUVO Theory as described in NUVO Theory the Cosmic Scale, discuss inertia as coupling to space. This coupling is what makes matter not want to move unless a force is applied to it. This is Newton’s 2nd law. If photons are encapsulated space, when they interact with matter they will change the coupling of the local space about the matter. This change in the coupling will change the inertia of the matter, causing it to be unbalanced in the direction of the interacting photon (encapsulated space). A change in inertia is considered a force, thus we have a photon acting like a particle.
Now consider a photon or photons interacting with atoms. As the photon moves through the atoms, they bring encapsulated space from a different part of the universe. As they interact with the atom it causes an imbalance to the space around the atom, giving the appearance of a force. This, by NUVO theory causes the matter to change its coupling to space by increasing the magnitude in the direction of the photon and decreasing the coupling magnitude on the opposite side of the photon’s interaction. When it decreases its coupling, it will cause a change in space (the part of space that was coupled to the matter) and send out a ripple effect. This ripple effect caused by the change in the coupling of the matter appears as the photon emerging from the medium before it fully enters. Thus it appears as a “negative time”, but according to NUVO it is an effect of what is termed sinertia, the attribute of space that couples with matter. Therefore we don’t have any “un-logical” type of behavior, but rather a simple change up in inertia due to the addition of outside space.
This thought experiment bodes well with a Nature Letter, Attractive photons in a quantum nonlinear medium. Where multiple photons moving through a medium form a “slushy” type of particle. Imagine if photons are encapsulated space, as they interact with matter, changing the local sinertia of space around the matter, it would be a slushy mix of waves in space as they reform encapsulated space (photon) (when matter rebalances itself with the local space). Again, NUVO appears to describe this behavior as well.
Time is redeemed, and the arrow of time continues to march forward. Illusions not needed.